
Marcus’ Story: Celebrating 25 years of Bad Pants Open

Patient Stories

Marcus Singleton was born earlier than expected in the summer of 1999, when his mom Tammara was only 26-weeks pregnant. Immediately he was transferred to the Texas Children's Hospital Level IV Newborn Intensive Care Unit where he spent 8 weeks growing and getting stronger before he went home. Today, Marcus is a thriving 24-year-old who is pursuing a career in sports communications. Hear about his journey to adulthood and how the team at Texas Children's left a lasting impact on his whole family.

Success stories like Marcus’ are made possible by the generosity and support of people like you. One of the many ways the community gives to Texas Children’s NICU is through participation in the annual Bad Pants Open Golf tournament. Register for the event or donate online at www.BadPantsOpen.org.