HOUSTON - (Mar. 22, 2010) - Texas Children's Hospital announced the formation ofthe West Campus Advisory Council, a volunteer advisory council made up of civicand business leaders from the communities that will be served by the new WestCampus, Texas Children's first community hospital, currently under constructionat I-10 and Barker Cypress.
The inaugural members of the advisory council include Eva Bisso, executiveboard member, Pin Oak Charity Horse Show; Les T. Csorba, III, senior partner,Heidrick Struggles, Inc.; Charles H. Herder, III, co-chairman andprincipal, Colliers International; David Hightower, executive vice presidentand chief development officer, Wolff Companies; Ann F. Hodge, president andchief executive officer, Katy Area Chamber of Commerce; John. E. Lowe,assistant to the chief executive officer, ConocoPhillips; Katy community leaderNancy Y. McDermott; Charles Moser, publisher emeritus of the BrenhamBanner-Press; and Marsherria Wilson, president of Paradise Funeral Home Cemeteriesand senior vice president of Wilson Financial Group, Inc.
The nine-member council will provide West Campus leadership with insights andrecommendations on hospital programs and patient experiences as well as sharetheir perspectives on developments in the communities West Campus serves, whichincludes the rapidly growing West Houston area from Sugar Land to Bryan-CollegeStation. The council will also help the hospital identify and develop mutuallysupportive relationships and partnerships with community businesses andorganizations.
"We are delighted these extraordinary community leaders have agreed to join usin ensuring that the West Campus is meeting the needs of the communities itserves," said Michelle Riley-Brown, vice president of Texas Children's HospitalWest Campus. "Advisory council members bring with them a wealth of experienceand perspectives and we look forward to the vital role they will play in thegrowth and development of West Campus."
The new advisory council recently assembled for its first meeting, a workingluncheon and tour of the West Campus community hospital construction site. TheWest Campus Advisory Council will meet two times a year and report to the Boardof Trustees of Texas Children's Hospital on an annual basis. Members willcontribute their time and expertise over a three-year term, with no termlimits.
Designed, equipped and staffed exclusively to treat children, West Campus willprovide the rapidly growing West Houston area with expanded access to the sameunsurpassed standard of care that families have come to expect from TexasChildren's Hospital. The hospital has been designed to incorporate the bestpractices in pediatric treatment environments and to provide the specialaccommodations that families need in a children's medical facility.
The West Campus ambulatory services are scheduled to open in late 2010 in a220,809-square-foot outpatient clinic The facility will offer a comprehensivearray of pediatric specialty services including, but not limited to, audiology,cardiology, endocrine/diabetes, gastroenterology, hematology/oncology,neurology, occupational therapy, ophthalmology, orthopedic surgery,otolaryngology, pediatric surgery, physical therapy, pulmonary medicine, speechtherapy services and urology.
Inpatient services will be available in spring 2011 in a 294,198-square-footinpatient facility with a pediatric emergency room, surgical suites, 48intermediate and acute-care patient beds, advanced imaging services includingMRI and CT scans, and a neurophysiology sleep laboratory
About Texas Children’s Hospital
Texas Children’s Hospital, a not-for-profit health care organization, is committed to creating a healthier future for children and women throughout the global community by leading in patient care, education and research. Consistently ranked as the best children’s hospital in Texas, and among the top in the nation, Texas Children’s has garnered widespread recognition for its expertise and breakthroughs in pediatric and women’s health. The hospital includes the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute; the Feigin Center for pediatric research; Texas Children’s Pavilion for Women, a comprehensive obstetrics/gynecology facility focusing on high-risk births; Texas Children’s Hospital West Campus, a community hospital in suburban West Houston; and Texas Children’s Hospital The Woodlands, a second community hospital planned to open in 2017. The organization also created the nation’s first HMO for children, has the largest pediatric primary care network in the country and a global health program that’s channeling care to children and women all over the world. Texas Children’s Hospital is affiliated with Baylor College of Medicine. For more information, go to Get the latest news by visiting the online newsroom and Twitter at