What is an antroduodenal manometry?
An antroduodenal manometry is a test to measure how your child’s muscles and nerves work inside the stomach and small bowel. This is a two day test that requires an overnight stay in the hospital. On the first day, a flexible tube (motility catheter) is placed in the stomach and small bowel. On the second day, information is collected, the tube is removed, and the child is sent home.
Why is it necessary?
This test is done to help find the cause of your child’s symptoms (e.g. vomiting, abdominal distention, etc.)
How should I prepare my child?
- Your child will be admitted to the hospital following placement of the catheter into the stomach and small bowel.
- You may need to have your child discontinue certain medications. Your GI team will discuss this with you.
- We encourage being open and honest about the procedure. Explain in simple terms why it is needed, and allow your child to bring a favorite toy, blanket, or other object that will stay with him/her during the test.
- A child life specialist may be available to help during the procedure.
What happens during the first day of the test?
- A catheter is passed into the stomach and small bowel. This is often done via the nose. In certain cases, a gastrostomy tube or other tube opening may be used. The tube will be taped in place. This is typically done in the GI procedure suite, but may also be done in the operating room or in interventional radiology.
- Your child will be admitted to the hospital after the catheter placement.
What happens during the second day of the test?
- In the early morning, your child will have an x-ray to ensure that the catheter has not moved.
- Following this, the manometry machine will be turned on and connected to the catheter placed on the first day. There is no pain associated with this. The equipment may take up a lot of space in your child’s room.
- Your child will sit on a hospital bed throughout the procedure (lasting up to 8 hours) and will be asked not to sleep or get up. Your child may engage in activities such as watching TV, reading, or playing board games. Too much movement may alter the results of the test. A bedpan can be used as needed.
- Approximately two hours into the study, your child will be given a high calorie breakfast over a 30 minute period. It is important that your child eats as much as possible during this time, and does not eat before or after the allotted time.
- During the study, your child will be given medications to stimulate the stomach and small bowel. Erythromycin is given intravenously (an IV will be in place), and Octreotide is given with a shot under the skin. Other medications may also be given.
What happens after the test?
The doctor will remove the catheter when the test is finished, and your child will be discharged from the hospital.
How will we be informed of the results?
A Texas Children’s GI doctor will interpret the results and will contact you. Please allow up to 2 weeks for results to be provided.
When do I call my child’s doctor or nurse?
If you have any further questions about the test, please contact your Texas Children’s Hospital gastroenterology provider on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.