
Liver Intensive Care Unit

Quality and Outcomes

Since the inception of the LICU in 2014, we, as a team have now taken care of 120 orthotopic liver transplants (OLT). With our multi-disciplinary approach, we have succeeded in improving 1-year post-liver transplant survival from 91% to 95% (Figure A).

Figure A

We also have improved 1-year survival amongst the cohort of critically ill children with ESLD and MSOF who were transplanted directly from our ICU from 83% to 95%.


Over the past 2 years, we have supported 16 children with multi-organ failure secondary to ESLD on a combination of MARS, TPE and CRRT (Hybrid Extra-Corporeal Liver Support), as a bridge to liver transplant or bridge to recovery with native liver functions.  The post-transplant 1-year survival in this critically ill cohort was 80%.