
Critical Care

Patient Resources

When parents cannot be with their child, they may call the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit to inquire about the status of their child. To ensure each patient's privacy, only parents may call the unit. Telephones are available in the waiting room for parents to call family and friends.

The waiting room is meant to be a comfortable, quiet place for families during a stressful time. A Texas Children's Hospital volunteer or receptionist is at the waiting room desk to assist families and answer questions. Only children 14 years of age or older are permitted in the waiting area. Because of limited space, only parents of intensive care patients are allowed in the waiting room after 9 pm.

Visiting periods are as long and as flexible as an intensive care setting permits. Two family members may be in the unit during each visiting period. Visitors must be at least 14 years of age. All visitors must wash their hands before they come into the unit. Visitors may need to wear a gown, mask and gloves.