
Minor Injuries Overview


Children's days are filled with running, jumping, bicycling, sports and other fun activities that keep them active and "on-the-go" from morning until night. Along with the fun comes an occasional cut, bruise, or tumble. Luckily, most of these injuries are not serious and can be handled with some simple first-aid interventions at home. However, there are times when a doctor's care is needed.

Specific treatment for skin wounds and injuries will be determined by your child's doctor. In general, call your child's doctor for skin injuries that are:

  • Bleeding heavily and do not stop after five to 10 minutes of direct pressure
  • Deep or longer than 1/2 inch
  • Located close to the eye or involving the eyelid
  • Large and on the face, hands or feet
  • Caused by a puncture wound or dirty or rusty object
  • Embedded with debris such as dirt, stones, or gravel
  • Ragged or have separated edges
  • Caused by an animal or human bite
  • Excessively painful
  • Showing signs of infection such as increased warmth, redness, swelling, or drainage

Also call your child's doctor if:

  • Your child has not had a tetanus vaccination within the past 5 years, or if you are unsure when your child's last tetanus shot was given.
  • You are concerned about the wound or have any questions.

Remember: Some of the larger, deeper cuts will require closure, and the sooner those are evaluated by a physician, the better.